Whether working or playing, indoors or outdoors, the need to stay hydrated is important for health and productivity reasons.

Whether working or playing, indoors or outdoors, the need to stay hydrated is important for health and productivity reasons.

There are many costs to not keeping your employees or athletes adequately hydrated

Here are the facts…

  • Our brains are 70% water while the rest of our bodies are made up of 50-75% water, so our water intake has a big effect on our performance.
  • 75-80% of Americans are regularly dehydrated.
  • Dehydration results in over 500,000 hospitalizations per year.
  • Dehydration is responsible for $5.5 Billion dollars in health care costs.

There are many costs to not keeping your employees or athletes adequately hydrated

Here are the facts…

  • Our brains are 70% water while the rest of our bodies are made up of 50-75% water, so our water intake has a big effect on our performance.
  • 75-80% of Americans are regularly dehydrated.
  • Dehydration results in over 500,000 hospitalizations per year.
  • Dehydration is responsible for $5.5 Billion dollars in health care costs.

The Hydration Pro with Flavors matched with electrolyte concentrate provides the lowest system costs on the market – for properly hydrating your employees.

Electrolytes are Critical

Keeping your employees hydrated and productive is critical!

With the Hydration Pro, you can purchase a 3-gallon bag in the box concentrate of Powerade or Gatorade. Simply insert the bag of concentrate into the machine, hook up the box with the quick connectors, turn the dial to the appropriate mix ratio and the machine will dispense cold, premixed Gatorade or Powerade for your employees with the push of a button. No more mixes, no more pumps, no more powder sticks and no more trash. The machine does it all.

This Hydration Pro will quickly replace lost fluids by providing sodium & potassium and other key electrolytes needed to keep the body hydrated helping boost productivity and performance.

When the body perspires it loses key electrolytes that water alone doesn’t contain. Electrolytes are chemicals that form electrically charged particles (ions) in body fluids.

These ions carry the electrical energy necessary for many functions, including muscle contractions and transmission of nerve impulses. The goal in replenishing electrolytes is to maintain specific bodily functions at optimal levels. Consistent replenishment of electrolytes is just as important as the fuel you consume and the water you drink during exercise or work.

People suffering from dehydration can be affected in many ways:

  • Performance/Production is significantly reduced.
  • Slowed reaction times and difficulty processing information.
  • Difficulty concentrating, hazy thoughts, dizziness and clumsiness.
  • Decreased mood and rapid fatigue.

People suffering from dehydration can be affected in many ways:

  • Performance/Production is significantly reduced.
  • Slowed reaction times and difficulty processing information.
  • Difficulty concentrating, hazy thoughts, dizziness and clumsiness.
  • Decreased mood and rapid fatigue.

Hydrated Employees Perform Better!

Hydrated Employees Perform Better!

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